Dr. Esha Niyogi De has published a new, single-authored monograph, Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia, available on University of Illinois Press' website.
Fellowships: Funded by Council of American Overseas Research Centers
*Funding provided by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State through a grant from the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC).
Mashal Saif
Field: Religious Studies
Project Title: Traditional Islam and Modernity in Pakistan: An Intimate Account
Affiliated Institution: Clemson University
Fellowship Type: Senior, 3.5 months in Pakistan
Abstract Final Report
Fizza Joffrey
Field: Theology and Religion
Project Title: Processions, Protest, and Identity: Contemporary Shi'ism in Karachi
Affiliated Institution: University of California-Riverside / University of Oxford
Fellowship Type: Junior, 1 month in the UK and Canada
Abstract Final Report
Fellowships: Funded on Unrestricted/Other Funds
Muhammad Saad Lakhani
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Protectors of the Prophet's Honor: The Politics of Islam, Populism and Nationalism in Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: Stanford University
Fellowship Type: Junior, 7 months in Pakistan
Abstract Final Report
Sarah Eleazar Sadiq
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Navigating a Toxic Space: Ecological Disaster and Infrastructural Restitution in the Urban-Rural Periphery of Lahore
Affiliated Institution: University of Texas at Austin
Fellowship Type: Junior, 2.5 months in Pakistan
Abstract Final Report