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2013-14 AIPS Book Prize

The American Institute of Pakistan Studies is soliciting books (single authored monographs, no edited volumes) published during the last three years, or nearly published books (galleys must be available) for the annual AIPS book prize.

The award recipient will receive a monetary prize from AIPS ($1,000). In addition, AIPS will recommend the manuscript for publication in Pakistan with an appropriate press. Publishing in Pakistan is strongly encouraged but not a condition of the award. A publication subvention may be provided, as necessary. This award is funded by unrestricted funds and is not supported by United States federal grant funds.

A review committee will determine the awardee and can choose to designate no winner in any given year if worthy submissions are lacking. Applicants in all disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Deadline for 2013-14 Book Prize is February 1, 2014

See awardees here.

Send 4 copies of each submitted book to:

AIPS Book Prize Committee

University of Wisconsin

B488 Medical Sciences Center
1300 University Avenue

Madison, WI 53706

Evaluation Criteria:

1) Depth and accuracy of the research

2) Potential to attract new students and scholars to Pakistan Studies

3) Potential to integrate Pakistan studies more fully into vibrant disciplinary and interdisciplinary discussions

4) Innovativeness of approach

5) Clarity and elegance of writing
