Dr. Esha Niyogi De has published a new, single-authored monograph, Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia, available on University of Illinois Press' website.
Fellowships: Funded by Council of American Overseas Research Centers
*Funding provided by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State through a grant from the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC).
Sohaib Khan
Field: Islamic Law
Project Title: Translating Capitalism: How Muslim Jurists and Bankers Invented Sharī‘a Compliance
Affiliated Institution: Yale University
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral Fellow
Abstract Final Report
Uzma Rizvi
Field: Anthropology/Archaeology
Project Title: Laboratory for Integrated Archaeological Visualization and Heritage (LIAVH)
Affiliated Institution: Pratt Institute of Design
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral Fellow
Abstract Final Report
Fellowships: Funded on Unrestricted/Other Funds
Shandana Waheed
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Present of Past: Negotiating Pre-partition heritage of Rawalpindi in Post-Partition Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: Stanford University
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
Abstract Final Report
Tayeba Batool
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: City of Trees: Urban Ecologies of Miyawaki Urban Forests in Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
Abstract Final Report
Marvi Ahmed
Field: Development Studies
Project Title: Contested Frontiers: Development Aid, Identity, and Agrarian Politics in Southern Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: Cornell University
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral Fellowship; Lari Memorial Fellowship
Abstract Final Report
Sanaullah Khan
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Diagnosing Biraderis: War, Mental Illness & Kinship in Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: Johns Hopkins University
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
Abstract Final Report