Dr. Esha Niyogi De has published a new, single-authored monograph, Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia, available on University of Illinois Press' website.
Kennedy, Kenneth A.R. - Cornell University
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Ecological and Demographic Variables in Prehistory of Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: Quaid-I-Azam University
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral
Kochanek, Stanley A. - Pennsylvania State University
Field: Political Science
Project Title: Interest Articulation of Nationality, Organized Trade, and Industry Associations in Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: University of the Punjab
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral
Lewin, Caroll M. - University of Vermont
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Ecological Study of a Fishing Community in Sindh
Affiliated Institution: University of Karachi
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral
Mahan, Joseph B. - Westville Historic Handicrafts, Inc.
Field: Art History
Project Title: Design Elements in Pakistani Pottery
Affiliated Institution: University of the Punjab
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral
Mahan, Katherine H. - Columbus College
Field: Music
Project Title: Folk and Ceremonial Music in Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: University of the Punjab
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral
Richter, William L. - Kansas State University
Field: Political Science
Project Title: Pary Development in Former Bahawalpur State
Affiliated Institution: University of the Punjab
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral
Weinbaum, Marvin G. - University of Illinois
Field: Political Science
Project Title: The Legislative Intermediary Function in the National Assembly of Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: Quaid-I-Azam University
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral