Dr. Esha Niyogi De has published a new, single-authored monograph, Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia, available on University of Illinois Press' website.
Christian, Theresa - Villanova University
Field: Nursing
Project Title: Nursing Education in Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: Jinnah Medical Center , Karachi
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral
Cleland, James - University of Virginia
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Technology, Trade and Urbanism in the Indus Region
Affiliated Institution: Archaeology Department, Government of Pakistan , Karachi
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral
Datta, Emily Hodges - University of California-Berkeley
Field: History
Project Title: Marriage Patterns of Syed Families in Lahore
Affiliated Institution: University of the Punjab
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral
Ewing, Katherine P. - University of Chicago
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Ideas of Family among Urban Migrants
Affiliated Institution: University of the Punjab
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral
Fleetwood, Gerald - University of Arizona
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Identity Through the Formal Education, the North Indian Muslims
Affiliated Institution: University of the Punjab
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral
Graf, William - Syracuse University
Field: Communication
Project Title: Open Circuit Broadcasting for Adult Education
Affiliated Institution: Pakistan Television Corporation, Lahore
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral
Kennedy, Charles H. - Duke University
Field: Political Science
Project Title: Administrative Reform in Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: Pakistan Administrative Staff College , Lahore
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral
Kollath, Richard C. - University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Field: Photography
Project Title: Photographic Documentation of Sufi Tombs
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral
Morrison, Charles - Michigan State University
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Kinship Among Urban Pakistanis
Affiliated Institution: University of the Punjab
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral
Norman, Lee - University of Utah
Field: Economics
Project Title: Pakistan 's Experimental Family Planning Program
Affiliated Institution: Family Planning Council, Lahore
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral
Raulet, Henry M. - Michigan State University
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Household, Kinship, and Occupation in Urban Pakistan
Affiliated Institution: University of the Punjab
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral
Roseberry, James R. - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Field: History
Project Title: The Effects of Colonialism on Multani Society
Affiliated Institution: University of the Punjab
Fellowship Type: Pre-Doctoral
Weitz, Charles A. - Temple Unversity
Field: Anthropology
Project Title: Micro-environmental Variability in the Peshawar Valley
Affiliated Institution: University of Peshawar
Fellowship Type: Post-Doctoral