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AIPS Book Prize

AIPS Annual Book Prize

The American Institute of Pakistan Studies is soliciting books relating to Pakistan Studies (defined broadly) published within the last three years or soon-to-be published (galleys must be available) for the annual AIPS book prize. Books must be single authored monographs (no edited volumes); please confirm eligibility with AIPS prior to sending books. 

** Please note that this is an academic book prize (literary fiction/short stories are not appropriate for this prize) and only English language books are eligible at this time. 

The award recipient will receive a monetary prize from AIPS ($1,000). This award is funded by unrestricted funds and is not supported by United States federal grant funds.

A prize committee will determine the awardee. Applicants in all disciplines are encouraged to apply.

See past awardees here.

Annual Deadline for the AIPS Book Prize:  January 10th

Book submissions are accepted each year until January 10th, after which, the committee will consider the range of submissions and announce a winner in May.

To Apply
Please fill out and return our AIPS Book Prize submission form:
[Word Document]

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Once your eligibility is confirmed, you will be asked to send four hard copies of the book to AIPS. E-books cannot be accepted. 

Evaluation Criteria:

1) Depth and accuracy of the research
2) Potential to attract new students and scholars to Pakistan Studies
3) Potential to integrate Pakistan studies more fully into vibrant disciplinary and interdisciplinary discussions
4) Innovativeness of approach
5) Clarity and elegance of writing