Dr. Esha Niyogi De has published a new, single-authored monograph, Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia, available on University of Illinois Press' website.
Workshop on the Ravi Riverfront Urban Development Project
Beaconhouse National University
Lahore, Pakistan
September 20, 2024
The AIPS-funded workshop at the Beaconhouse National University in Lahore examined the ambitious yet contentious Ravi Riverfront Urban Development Project. This project, billed as the first and the largest riverfront being developed on the bank of the Ravi River, is spread over 110,000 acres, and it aims to simultaneously reinvigorate the Ravi River, stimulate economic development, and offer residential opportunities to 10 million people. However, this project has evoked environmental concerns, prompted accusations of triggering unplanned displacements, and has also become the target of litigation. The proposed conference adopted a multidisciplinary approach which drew on technical and anthropological lenses to assess the design, sustainability, and socio-cultural elements of relevance to the Ravi Riverfront Urban Development Project.
Opening Remarks
Panel 1 - RUDA's Sociocultural and Economic Potential and Challenges
Panel 2 - RUDA and the Environment
Panel 3 - Urban Development, Green Transition Imperatives, and RUDA
APEX Conference
Kinnaird College for Women
February 26-27, 2024
The American Pakistan Educational Exchange (APEX) program brought eight faculty from Bristol Community Colle ge and Sauk Valley Community College to Kinnaird College for Women in Lahore, Pakistan. In conjunction with the APEX program, four faculty members from Sauk and four from Bristol attended the 4th Annual Social Sciences and Humanities Conference at Kinnaird. Each US part icipant delivered keynotes or workshops on our content areas. In addition, Kinnaird led cultural visits and visits with officials from Pakist an to introduce the US faculty to Pakistan, its culture, and its people.
Lectures, Workshops, Roundtables Presented at Kinnaird College for Women
Keynote Presentations, Feb 26, 2024
Invited Talks, Feb 27, 2024
Workshops and Roundtables, Feb 27, 2024